Daily State of the Markets
The Word Of The Day Is...
Well that was interesting. For the past six trading sessions, the stock market has been busy pricing in what became known as a "BREMAIN" vote. While the polls on the issue of the U.K. leaving the European Union continued to suggest the contest was too close to call, traders apparently cam…
The Waiting Game
Since I received a fair amount of positive feedback on my "executive summary" of the market broken out by time frame, I thought I'd provide another update this morning. It is my sincere hope that you might find a nugget or two in the following assessment of market conditions/drivers.
Muddling Along Due To...
Good morning and welcome back. Stocks are rockin' this morning on the back of the latest "Brexit" vote, which shows the "stay" camp appears to be gaining traction. The question, of course, is if the early ramp will last as the vote across the pond doesn't happen until the 23rd. So, while …
Here We Go Again...
Don't look now fans, but the S&P 500 is back to within spitting distance of the all-time closing high of 2130.82 set on May 21, 2015. Sure, the bears enjoyed a spirited reversal yesterday afternoon, knocking the Dow back below the 18,000 level and closing at the low of the day. Heck, …
The Evidence Suggests...
Good morning and Happy Monday. Although my life has been a blur lately, my calendar tells me it's time to perform an objective review of the state of the market and our major market indicators/models.
As usual, the first stop is a review of the price/trend of the market. Here's my…
Has The Summer Rally Begun?
To be sure, there is a great deal of confusion/uncertainty in the stock market these days. One minute everything is negative and all the bear arguments make sense. And the next, well, stocks are blasting higher. Such is the way the game is played in what I call the algorithmic trading era…
Bears Still In Control, But...
Good morning and welcome to the fourth week of May. By the way, does anybody know where the first half of 2016 has gone?
Since it is Monday, it's time to take a step back and review the state of the market and our major market indicators/models as objectively as we can. As usual, …
The Bears Have a Shot...
Modern times demand modern thinking in portfolio design. Learn more...
Good morning. Since I'm technically supposed to be on vacation, let's jump right in...
Some Weakness Creeping In...
Modern times demand modern thinking in portfolio design. Learn more...
Good morning and Happy Monday! Since my weekly review of the major indicators tends to get a bit…